Therapy in the Bay Area

[A photograph of David smiling in a rose garden.] I'm David, a licensed professional clinical counselor practicing in Berkeley, California. I've been trained in body-oriented and mindfulness-based therapies. I work with individual adults and teens.

If you're looking for a therapist, there's likely something you want to change in your life. You might be having troubling thoughts about yourself or a relationship. Uncomfortable feelings and emotions may persist longer than is helpful or expected. Or perhaps your life appears to be great to other's and yourself, but you have a sense that something's not quite right. Feeling alone in these struggles makes them all the more difficult.

I believe real change doesn't happen until we can know and accept the truth of our circumstances. As your therapist, I want for us to really get to know each other - so you can feel less alone and more trusting, and so I can deeply understand what troubles you. I'll work with you as a collaborative guide, so that we can come to accept you as you are. From that place, remarkable, positive change is possible.

Now accepting members for men's group

I'll be running a men's group on Thursday evenings starting Spring 2024.

Learn more about the men's group
